Saturday 20 June 2015

Riot teases the demonic, aquatic River King

Riot Games is teasing what looks like a new League of Legends Champion known as The River King are. On the outside, he looks like an overgrown catfish, but he treats as the devil and he will swallow you whole.
This description does not come from an official source, but I like to think it fits the tone in the trailer, which was written by the good folks in the League of Legends Wiki. "Boy, the world's a river, and I am the king. Is not no place I have not been. Is not no place I can not go back," said the River King to the gambler. "And the price is a tiny thing. Look, I'm hungry, fed it aint easy. But the finest tables? They is not never got a seat for me. So I need people like you to let me."
I do not want to ruin anything for you, but I will say that this story does not take place in Georgia, and the gambler does not seem the best who have ever been there. The wiki also contains a number of other details that may or may not be important: A rift Scuttler pops up, the River King has the same accent as Twisted Fate Twisted Fate and may in fact the gambler in question, a theory that has also come in the LoL Reddit. The river king also seems to wear a hat, but the picture is fuzzy and it could be ... well, I really do not know.
I'm sure we'll find out soon enough, and we will let you know when we do. Until then, speculation ahoy!

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