Saturday 20 June 2015

China screens original 'Star Wars' in cinemas for first time

China has become one of the Force by displaying the original "Star Wars" film in cinemas for the first time, nearly four decades after it became a worldwide hit and a cornerstone of Western popular culture.The Shanghai International Film Festival will show all six "Star Wars" movies this week, including the first screenings in the Chinese mainland theaters of the original trilogy, said festival organizers. There are no plans for nationwide release.In 1977, as foreign audiences followed the adventures of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Princess Leia "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away", China has just got out of the chaotic Cultural Revolution and had yet to economic reforms that would change launch the communist-ruled country.Tuesday was the first screening by the festival of "A New Hope" - made first but eventually the fourth film in the series - all hard-core fans were treated to a specially arranged screening of the original trilogy shown back-to-back on Sunday .In a central cinema, Tuesday show was almost sold out. The Star Wars theme song played in the lobby entered as the young crowd, a man with a C-3PO T-shirt and a woman sporting white stormtroopers on her black shirt.Sales assistant Joy Han took a day off to see the film, although she has seen all six through illegal downloads and illegal copies. The six-DVD box set sells for about $ 12 in the Chinese commercial city."It looks better on the big screen," she told AFP. "This is the first time for China."Some audience members said they were more familiar with the newer, prequel films "The Phantom Menace", "Attack of the Clones" and "Revenge of the Sith" than the original three films - "Star Wars", " The Empire Strikes Back "and" Return of the Jedi ".American studio Walt Disney hopes the screenings will prepare for the Chinese audience on the seventh installment in the series, due for release later this year."This will be the first theatrical screening of the original trilogy in China," Kerwin Lo, vice president and general manager of Walt Disney Studios China, told AFP before showing films."The tremendous buzz and excitement generated is great for the Star Wars franchise and the upcoming" Star Wars: The Force Awakens "to be," he said.On the Chinese site Douban, the original 1977 Star Wars film received a score of 8.3 out of 10 and attracted more than 35,000 responses."We need to view it in a comparative perspective," said one message under the name T-maxdo."In 1977, the United States had such a wonderful imaginative creativity and movie special effects though, while China had just ended the Cultural Revolution period and his people had just come out of a dark age."But some Chinese viewers criticized the movie for weak characters."Although the character design is weak, the protagonist is not beautiful, not handsome protagonist and the action parts like children fighting, placed in 1977, the visual effects are amazing," said Xiaosi Buxiang on the website.

Riot teases the demonic, aquatic River King

Riot Games is teasing what looks like a new League of Legends Champion known as The River King are. On the outside, he looks like an overgrown catfish, but he treats as the devil and he will swallow you whole.
This description does not come from an official source, but I like to think it fits the tone in the trailer, which was written by the good folks in the League of Legends Wiki. "Boy, the world's a river, and I am the king. Is not no place I have not been. Is not no place I can not go back," said the River King to the gambler. "And the price is a tiny thing. Look, I'm hungry, fed it aint easy. But the finest tables? They is not never got a seat for me. So I need people like you to let me."
I do not want to ruin anything for you, but I will say that this story does not take place in Georgia, and the gambler does not seem the best who have ever been there. The wiki also contains a number of other details that may or may not be important: A rift Scuttler pops up, the River King has the same accent as Twisted Fate Twisted Fate and may in fact the gambler in question, a theory that has also come in the LoL Reddit. The river king also seems to wear a hat, but the picture is fuzzy and it could be ... well, I really do not know.
I'm sure we'll find out soon enough, and we will let you know when we do. Until then, speculation ahoy!

One-take thriller 'Victoria' sweeps German film awards

German heist film "Victoria", shot in one take in more than 20 locations in central Berlin, won top honors at the German Film Prize on Friday, taking best picture and five categories in one of the most lucrative film awards in the world.

The film tells the tragic story of Victoria - a talented but unemployed pianist from Spain stranded in Berlin - as she leaves a nightclub meets a wild bunch of young men and becomes involved in an armed robbery.

"Crime pays," director Sebastian Schipper told an applauding audience of more than 2,000 people, including the German Minister of Culture Monika Gruetters.

The film also won the "Lola" for best director, best actress (Laia Costa), best actor (Frederick Lau), best camera (Sturla Brandth Grovlen) and best music (Nils Frahm).

Rights screen for "Victoria" have been sold to over 30 countries around the world and it is scheduled for release in the United States, Britain, France and Spain in the coming months.

The Edward Snowden film "Citizen Four" by Laura Poitras, partly shot in Berlin, won the "Lola" for best documentary.

The ballots were cast by more than 1,600 industry professionals who are part of the German Film Academy. The prices are not meant to award box office success but cultural achievement.

The German Government endorses the € 3 million in prizes, which are distributed among the dozens of nominated films as an indirect subsidy for future projects.

Presented annually since 1951, the "Lola" Germany's answer to Hollywood's Oscars and the British BAFTA awards.

In 2006, the German surveillance state drama "The Lives of Others" ("the lives of others") got seven "Lolas" before later winning the best foreign film Oscar.

Hilary Duff not 'stressed' by single status

The "Lizzie McGuire" star - which separated last year from husband Mike Comrie - says she has to concentrate on much else, including son Luca, consider looking for a relationship.
She said: '' I have a 3-year-old, I have a new album, I'm sure you know what it takes to put out a record and make it work, and build a tour and shoot a TV show, all this stuff!
'' When it came my way and it was easy, sure I would be in it, but it's not something I stressed about. ''
And the 27-year-old singer and actress has reached the end of her four-year marriage urged has not made her '' bitter '' about love.
Speaking to Elvis Duran Z100 radio, she added: '' I'm not bitter about love or something.
'' I'm so busy now - honestly I do not have time to date and build a kind of relationship. ''
Meanwhile, Hilary previously admitted she was '' nervous '' for her date with a man she met Tinder off.
She shared: "" I was with my friends one night in the house and we were joking around. In my life I have always had really serious boyfriends. I always met people through work and I've never been on a blind date. What's the worst that can happen?
'' I have my first date tonight and I'm really, really nervous. We go bowling, so it can not be too expensive. I like that. I've never dated but a total Normie. ''

Malala film to be released in 171 countries

National Geographic Channel plans to Academy Award-winner Davis Guggenheim documentary upcoming release He called me on Malala Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai Pakistani activist in 171 countries and 45 languages ​​next year.National Geographic Channel has joined forces with Fox Searchlight Pictures for worldwide theatrical release of the film on Malala, who was targeted by the Taliban and seriously wounded by a shot to return to her school bus in Pakistan's Swat Valley."This is a film that not only you leave feeling incredibly inspired, but really want to make a difference," said Courteney Monroe, CEO, National Geographic Channels."We are delighted to be working with National Geographic Channels to help bring Davis' passion and commitment in telling Malala's touching story to a global audience on their extensive media platforms," ​​said Fox Searchlight Pictures Presidents Nancy Utley and Steve Gilula.The documentary offers a glimpse into the Malala's life both before and after the attack. Fifteen at the time of the incident, she was chosen, along with her father, to advocate for girls' education.The shooting led to a protest by supporters around the world. Malala miraculously survived and is now a leading campaigner for girls' education worldwide as co-founder of the Malala Fund.Acclaimed documentary filmmaker Davis Guggenheim (An Inconvenient Truth, Waiting for Superman) examines how Malala, her father Zia and her family are determined to fight for education for all girls worldwide.The launch of the film will also coincide with an international advocacy and fundraising campaign in conjunction with the Malala Fund Malala's nonprofit organization that works to empower adolescent girls worldwide through a quality secondary education.

Oher says Sandra movie wrecked his NFL career

Carolina Panthers tackle Michael Oher is blaming the blockbuster hit movie about his life for his less-than-stellar NFL career. Most will name Oher recognition of the 2009 critically acclaimed film The Blind Side, which is the story of how it used to be homeless teen was taken in by a wealthy Memphis, Tennessee family WHO introduced him to football Told - a sport which not only helped him to go to college, but landed him a career in the NFL as a first-round draft pick.
However, since the release of the film, has plummeted career Oher and there-are cut from two different teams in the past six years. While at training camp with his current team, the Carolina Panthers on Wednesday, Oher was involved in a fight with defensive end Kony Ealy. When asked if the fight has something to do with proving its value after the back-to-back seasons Wrestling, Oher pinned his problems on the film. "I'm not trying to prove anything," Oher Told ESPN. "People look at me, and they take things away from me by a film. They do not really see the skills and the kind of player I am. That's why I get so much degraded as a result of something outside the field.
"This stuff, call me a bust, people say if I can play or not, that has nothing to do with football. It's something different off the field. That's why I do not like that movie. "
Oher It went on to say in his position players are often overlooked, but because I film an ongoing basis. "Nobody pays attention to the offensive line. But me? I'm looking for anything. I know what kind of player I am. I know that everyone knows what kind of player I am. So that kind of thing does not worry me, "Oher Said. Sandra Bullock won an Oscar and Golden Golden Award for its role Oher's adoptive mother Leigh Anne Tuohy in the 2009 film, which grossed more than $ 300 million at the box office.
Growing up, Oher Moved from foster home to foster home, sometimes stay with friends, due to the inattention of his mother, who struggled with Crack cocaine addition. It was while staying with a knowledge that I have applied to enroll at private Briarcrest Christian School, where the football coach saw potential in Oher. Ms Tuohy and her husband Sean, fast food franchise owners, met Oher by their youngest daughter and son attended the same school.
They took their Oher in the house in 2004, after realizing his predicament, and eventually NEXT him as their. Oher went on a football scholarship land to Ole Miss, the Tuohys' alma mater, where I deal with All-American playing left.

In 2009, the same year that The Blind Side was released, Oher signed with the Baltimore Ravens as the 23th overall pick.
While the 6-foot-5, 309 pounds, offensive lineman helped the Ravens to Super Bowl victory in 2012 I was cut from the team in the season 2013. From there, I went on to a four-year $ 20 million contract to negotiate with the Tennessee Titans, but was released because of a toe injury after just 11 games.
Currently Oher played left tackle for the Panthers to a 2-year, $ 7million deal and coach Ron Rivera has high hopes that I will start for the team in the fall, DESPITE this week altercation on the field. "Kony is a young guy who is learning and trying to learn how to go," Rivera said of the fight. "Michael is a veteran guy. It's kind of the older young bear poking the bear.
'I was disappointed. The heat, fatigue or what have you, there is no place for fighting. Both guys I talked to privately and made sure they understood how I felt about it. ''